Sunday, 28 September 2014

Lightswitch DLookup Function

I remember when I was still using MS Access & VB to create business type applications, there was a function in VB called DLookup. I had made extensive use of this function as it made it very easy to look up a value from related or unrelated tables.

For instance, lets say you created a log in page in your access application, you would use DLookup to verify if the username and password existed, and then check whether the password was correct, and do the authentication.

So when I started I was looking for a similar function in LS I was amazed at how easy this task was and the flexibility it gave you as the programmer.

For instance, lets say you have a textbox, and you wanted to check whether the value that the user typed in the textbox existed in a table, you would use the following:

    If Me.Textbox = Me.tbl_Users.Where(Function(c) c.username = Me.Textbox).Count > 0 then
        ShowMessageBox("User exists in table")
        ShowMessageBox("User does not exists in table")
    End If

Thats it.

There is a couple of variations on this function that I will show you once I have updated this post.

Variation 1:

So lets say you wanted to assign a value from a table to a variable the function would look like below:

Dim myVariable = (From i In Me.DataWorkspace.yourTable Where i.itemId = 123 Select I).First

In the above code the variable myVariable will be assigned the value of the field in yourTable where the itemId is equal to 123.

You could ofcourse assign any variable in any table by just changing the relevant table and value you need in the code.

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Good things to come...

So after struggling a very long time with SignalR and, I finally got it working. So I decided to give back and create a tutorial on accomplishing that task.

It is my first attempt at such a tutorial and I can only hope that I made a decent attempt.

I will continue posting tutorials on this blog, as I must say I enjoyed creating the first one.

And hopefully you will join me...

Oh you can view the tutorial here. Please let me know what you think in the comments below.


Friday, 26 September 2014

Lightswitch SignalR in

So lately I have been trying to get SignalR to work with my Lightswitch App ( so that I could use the Pixata Toast message to notify users when certain data has been added/deleted etc.

So after a lot of forums, googling and trial & error I got it working. So here is the steps to get it working and a sample project for download.


Here is the steps we are going to go through:

1. Create LS Application & Tables
2. Create LS Customer Add & List Screen
3. Add SignalR Server Components & Client
4. Add SignalR Startup.vb & ContactHub.vb
5. Add Pixata Custom Controls
6. Add Code to LS table events
7. Add code to LS Client
8. Test the App

1. Create LS Application & Tables

  • Open Visual Studio, Create a new Lightswitch Desktop Application ( and name it SignalRTest.
  • Click on 'Create New Table', and name it tbl_Customer
  • Add the following fields: CustomerName (String | Required) ; Phone (Phone Number | Not Required) ; Email (Email Address | Not Required). It should look something like this:

  • Close the Table screen.
  • Thats it for this part. Now we are going to add the List & Add Screen for the Customer Table.

2. Create LS Customer Add & List Screen

  • In the LS Client Directory Tree right-click 'Screen', select 'Add Screen', choose the 'New Data Screen' type, name it "Customers_Add" and select 'tbl_Customer' as the screen data. Click OK.

  • Our Add screen is created. So save and close the screen designer.
  • Again, in the LS Client Directory Tree right-click 'Screen', select 'Add Screen', but this time choose 'Search Data' as the type, name it "Customers_List", and set the screen data to 'tbl_Customer'.

  • Save the screen, and close the screen designer.
  • Now we have the screen we need.
  • Next we are goint to add the SignalR components.

3. Add SignalR Server Components & Client

So now we get to the part where we are going to start using SignalR, but first we need to add all the necessary components.

  • First, right-click SignalRTest.Server, and select 'Manage NuGet Packages'.
  • If you dont see this option please download and install the package manager for Visual Studio 2013 from here: Package Download & Install
  • In the Package Manager window search for SignalR.
  • The results will display a couple of packages but we are only interested in the 'MICROSOFT ASP.NET SIGNALR' package. Highlight it and click install. Follow the prompts and let it finish the installation, and close the package manager and the readme.txt that has opened up.
  • Thats it for the server. Now on to the client.
  • This time, right-click 'SignalR.DesktopClient', select 'Manage NuGet Packages'.
  • Again search for SignalR, but this time select the 'MICROSOFT ASP.NET SIGNALR .NET CLIENT' package and install. Follow the promtps. After installation close the package manager and any other screens that might be open.
  • So now we have our Table, Screens and SignalR compoents. On to some coding.

4. Add SignalR Startup.vb & ContactHub.vb

We are going to add 2 class files so that we can use SignalR in our app.

  • Right-click SignalRTest.Server, Add -> Class..., name it "Startup.vb" and click 'Add'.
  • Copy and paste the code below into the 'Startup.vb' class.

Imports Microsoft.Owin
Imports Owin
Imports SignalRTest

<Assembly: OwinStartup(GetType(SignalRTest.Startup))> 

Namespace SignalRTest
    Public Class Startup
        Public Sub Configuration(app As IAppBuilder)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace

  • Save & close the class file.
  • Create yet another class file but this time name it "ContactHub.vb"
  • Copy and paste the code below into your 'ContactHub.vb' class file.
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR

Namespace LightSwitchApplication
    Public Class ContactHub
        Inherits Hub

        Public Sub Hello(message As String)
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace
  • Now we have what we need to send/receive messages to all connected clients and the server.
  • Next we are goint to add the Pixata Custom Controls so that we can use the Toast message function. (Those of you who dont know what a toast message is, its that small notification in the corner that pops up when say you receive a new email in outlook)
  • Save & Close any open screens.

5. Add Pixata Custom Controls

Lets add the Pixata Custom Controls to our Application.

  • In Visual Studio click 'Tools' and select 'Extensions & Updates'
  • Click 'Online' in the left-hand side navbar.
  • Then search for "Pixata".
  • You should get only one result, the "Pixata custom controls for Lightswitch".
  • Install the package.
  • Then close all screens.
Thats it for pixata custom controls. Now we can start sending messages and have them popup in the client screens. But first we need to add some code to our Table events and Client screens.

6. Setup Client Connection to Hub & Show Pixata Toast

First we need to establish a conneciton to our hub, we add the following code in the 'Application.vb' class file inside the 'Public Class Application'. (Located under SignalRTest.DesktopClient/UserCode)


Private Sub Application_Initialize()

            ' Connect to ContactHub
            Dim connection = New HubConnection("http://localhost:1315/")
            Dim HubConnection As IHubProxy = connection.CreateHubProxy("ContactHub")

            ' ContactHub Messages
            HubConnection.On(Of String)("GlobalMessage", Sub(message) PixataToastHelper.ShowToast("Data Added", message, PixataToastHelper.PixataToastStyles.Alert, 10000))

            ' Start Connection

        End Sub

Remember to add the following imports at the very top of the 'Application.vb' class.

Imports PixataCustomControls.Presentation.Controls
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.LightSwitch.Threading
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Hubs
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client

In the code above we also made a Pixata Toast message that will fire when we trigger the hub that will be displayed on all clients.
Also you will see my hubconnection url uses port 1315, but you will have to change it to whatever you are using. If you are using it on a development machine you can see the port as follows:

7. Add Table event message

Ok so now we need to send a message to try out our new toast message and SignalR compoents.
So in the 'tbl_Customer' table's Inserted event put the following code:

Dim myHub = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext(Of ContactHub)()
            Dim result = myHub.Clients.All.GlobalMessage("New customer *" & entity.CustomerName & "* has been added by " & entity.CreatedBy)

And remember to import the following:
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR

8. Test the App

Run your newly created application, add a new customer and save.
When done saving you should see a little toast messag epop up notifying you of the newly created record.


And that is it. SignalR working under & LS Desktop Client.

You can download the sample here.